English Debate
English Debate by English Learning & Speaking Academy is a long waited privilage for may guardinas to ensure the strength of English language of their children upto the global standard class.
It’s a platform where students of class 4 to class 12 are allowed to participate in English debate who our main goal is to develop the confidence, basic grammar strength, fluency through debating under direct supervision of Md. Salah Uddin Sami.
It's in fact a long waited solution to many middle class to lower middle class families whose ambition of getting their children admitted to English medium schools to ensure the proper strength of English both in Spoken English and Written English couldn't be fulfilled once.
It's of precious importance as addresses the following points:
- Here, our main focus is to improve true fluency through debating.
- Complete English-Speaking Environment
- On-the-go language correction for accurate Spoken English
- Dedicated focus towards improving Basic Grammar while speaking in English
- We prepare them completely in a "Easy to understand and follow" way.
English Debates
Our upcoming events on English debates:
Register now to be a member
Let’s get registered now to have a privilege to boost your strength of English language through practicing in English debate under direct supervision of Md. Salah Uddin Sami, former President of Management Communication of Management, University of Chittagong.
Contact Us
ELSA is a learning point for enthusiastic learners, who are relentless regarding their improvement of English Language. Making English easy to both learn and practice is at the very core our endeavor.
GEC Circle, Chittagong